EC2 instance hibernation prerequisites

The key prerequisites for EC2 instance hibernation are:

  1. The instance must be enabled for hibernation during launch. You cannot enable hibernation on an existing instance.

  2. The instance must be running one of the supported operating systems:

    • Amazon Linux, Amazon Linux 2, Ubuntu, and Windows Server
    • CentOS, Fedora, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (on certain instance types)
  3. The instance must have less than 150 GB of RAM, except for Windows instances which are supported up to 16 GB of RAM.

  4. For Spot Instances, the Spot Instance request type must be 

     and you cannot specify a launch group.

  5. The 

     in the block device mapping must match the root device name associated with the AMI. You can use the 
     command to find the root device name.

  6. If you have enabled encryption by default in the AWS Region, you can omit the 

    Encrypted = $true
     parameter in the block device mapping.


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