Snapshot storage tier types and cost difference

The key points on the different storage tiers and cost differences for EBS snapshots:

Standard Tier:
  • This is the default storage tier for EBS snapshots.
  • Snapshots stored in the standard tier are incremental, meaning only the changed data blocks are stored.
  • The pricing for the standard tier varies by AWS region, but is typically around $0.05 per GB-month.
Archive Tier:
  • The archive tier is a lower-cost storage option for rarely accessed snapshots.
  • When you archive a snapshot, it is converted to a full snapshot (not incremental) and moved to the archive tier.
  • The pricing for the archive tier is significantly lower, typically around $0.0125 per GB-month.
  • However, there is an additional charge for retrieving data from the archive tier, around $0.03 per GB.
Cost Savings:
  • Archiving infrequently accessed snapshots to the lower-cost archive tier can result in significant cost savings, up to 75% compared to the standard tier.
  • The savings are more substantial at larger scales, where there are multiple accounts and thousands of EC2 instances with terabytes of EBS snapshots.
  • For example, at 50 TB of snapshot storage, the annual cost for the standard tier would be around $3,750, while the archive tier would be only $937.60, a savings of over $2,800 per year.
  • Evaluate your snapshot usage patterns and retention requirements to determine which tier is most cost-effective for your specific use case.
  • Snapshots that are accessed infrequently, such as monthly, quarterly, or yearly backups, are good candidates for the archive tier.

The key pros and cons of the standard and archive snapshot storage tiers in Amazon EBS:

Pros of Standard Tier:
  • Incremental snapshots, storing only changed data blocks, making them cost-effective for frequent backups
  • Faster retrieval times compared to the archive tier
  • No additional charges for data retrieval
Cons of Standard Tier:
  • Higher storage costs compared to the archive tier, typically around $0.05 per GB-month
  • May not be the most cost-effective option for rarely accessed snapshots that need to be retained long-term
Pros of Archive Tier:
  • Significantly lower storage costs, typically around $0.0125 per GB-month, up to 75% savings
  • Suitable for rarely accessed snapshots that need to be retained for compliance or regulatory reasons
  • Helps optimize storage costs for long-term snapshot retention
Cons of Archive Tier:
  • Snapshots are converted to full snapshots, not incremental
  • Additional charges for retrieving data from the archive tier, around $0.03 per GB
  • Minimum retention period of 90 days


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